Welcome to USRI
The United Society for Rehabilitation & Inclusion (USRI) is a state-level non-profit organization that promotes the activities for the development of deprived sections of the society and also promotes the study of disability in social, cultural, and political contexts. USRI recognizes that upliftment of the deprived sections of the society is a key aspect of human experience, and that the involvement of organizations like USRI has important political, social, and economic implications for society as a whole, including both disabled and nondisabled people. Through research, artistic production, teaching and activism, the USRI seeks to augment understanding of youth, children, women and disabled in all cultures and historical periods, to promote greater awareness of the experiences of these people, and to advocate for social change.
The United Society for Rehabilitation & Inclusion (USRI) is an organization that is dedicated to the cause of promoting the disability studies as an academic discipline. At the United Society for Rehabilitation and Inclusion, we work towards the integration of people with different physical and sensory disabilities into mainstream society. Through our various programs that encompass rehabilitation, employment, training, education, consultation and assessment in assistive technology, day care, and social service support, we work in partnership with people with physical disabilities to maximize their potential and to help them to be self-reliant and independent.
USRI exists to help children with disabilities and their families to access resources and opportunities to enable them achieve their full potential. The Society is currently implementing a State strategy which aims at reaching all the disabled children in Uttar Pradesh by raising public awareness about disability; building government capacity, empowering parents to offer care and protection to their children with disabilities and facilitating individual with disability to access services for rehabilitation; the Society also undertakes lobbying & Advocacy activities to ensure disability inclusive polices, programs and legislation. We also offer quality community-based rehabilitation services for all age groups.
© USRI, Allahabad (UP) INDIA
Design and developled by: USRI
'PREEMINENCE' - An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal is being published by the Society.
Last date for submission of research paper/articles in 'PREEMINENCE' - An International Interdisciplinary Research Journal is 30th Sept. for January issue and 30st April for July issue.
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